Introduction to Arcadia
Arcadia is an asynchronous calculation framework inspired by a discussion by Tobias Gedell on Eden YouTube video and an article series by Daniel Earwicker on his Eventless library link.
The main points of Eden that stuck with me were :
- Laziness and partial recalc
- Caching
- Asynchronous result production
- Automatic parallelization
- Optional manual calculation
- Cancellation
Currently I have implemented the above plus basic error handling (changes the node with error to an Error status, no logging of error currently.)
serialization/persistense of CalculationEngine
to database
Arcadia is implemented using .Net generics so calculation "nodes" do not need to implement just a single numberic value. Inputs/Outputs can be any POCO/recordset/struct that you want.
Node Dependency Graph
Here is a dependency graph with input nodes (green) and output nodes (blue). We will use this as an illustration of the dependency tree that we will now try to replicate using simple integer based nodes.

F# Example - simple integers
First lets define some simple functions to represent some slow running functions.
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open System.Threading let add2 (x1,x2) = Thread.Sleep 500 x1 + x2 let add3 (x1,x2,x3) = Thread.Sleep 1000 x1 + x2 + x3 |
Now lets create a calculation engine that does simple addition at nodes based on the dependency graph we saw earlier. An optional custom ID can be assigned to a node.
If no node ID is given then Setables
will be named in0, in1, in2, ... and Getables
will be named out0, out1, out2, ...
For F# there is an additional operator that allows in0.Value to be replaced with !!in0. For C# there is an implicit coversion of Getable<T> in0
to T in0.Value
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open Arcadia open Arcadia.FSharp type SimpleCalculationEngine() as x = inherit CalculationEngine() do // input nodes let in0 = x.Setable 1 let in1 = x.Setable 1 let in2 = x.Setable 1 let in3 = x.Setable 1 let in4 = x.Setable 1 let in5 = x.Setable 1 let in6 = x.Setable 1 let in7 = x.Setable 1 let in8 = x.Setable 1 let in9 = x.Setable 1 let in10 = x.Setable 1 let in11 = x.Setable 1 let in12 = x.Setable 1 let in13 = x.Setable 1 // main calculation chain let out0 = x.Computed(fun () -> add2 !!in0 !!in1) let out1 = x.Computed(fun () -> add2 !!in2 !!in3) let out2 = x.Computed(fun () -> add3 !!in4 !!in5 !!in6) let out3 = x.Computed(fun () -> add2 !!in7 !!in8) let out4 = x.Computed(fun () -> add2 !!out1 !!out2) let out5 = x.Computed(fun () -> add2 !!out0 !!out3) let out6 = x.Computed(fun () -> add2 !!in9 !!in10) let out7 = x.Computed(fun () -> add2 !!in11 !!in12) let out8 = x.Computed(fun () -> add2 !!out4 !!out6) let out9 = x.Computed(fun () -> add3 !!out5 !!out7 !!out8) // secondary calculation chain let out10 = x.Computed(fun () -> add2 !!out0 !!out5) let out11 = x.Computed(fun () -> !!in13) |
Test out our Calculation Engine
Create an instance of the calculation engine and turn on automatic calculations. Run the following a statement at a time and see how it works.
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let ce = SimpleCalcEngine() /// print out the status and value of a given node. let nodeValue(nodeId) = let n = ce.Node<int>(nodeId) printfn "%s status:%A value:%i" (n.Id) (n.Status) (n.Value) nodeValue "out9" // returns "out9 status:Dirty value:0" ce.Calculation.Automatic <- true // check again (will need to wait a few seconds while calculations complete) nodeValue "out9" // returns "out9 status:Valid value:13" |
You can also do manual calculations if you didn't want to have everything calculating automatically.
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// set calculations back to manual ce.Calculation.Automatic <- false // set the value of in1 to 3 ce.Node("in1").Value <- 3 // check the value of nodes dependent on in1 nodeValue "out9" // returns out9 status: Dirty value:13 nodeValue "out10" // returns out10 status: Dirty value: 6 // if we want to get the updated value we can request an update ce.Node<int>("out9").AsyncCalculate() // wait a couple of seconds (or not and see a Dirty result for out9) nodeValue "out9" // returns out9 status: Valid value:15 nodeValue "out10" // returns out10 status: Dirty value: 6 |
Since out9 does not depend on out10 it did not recalculate (point 1 from our starting list).
Here is the above example implemented in C#.
An example of how this can be implemented in an MVVM application can be found on the GitHub site in the src/Samples folder.
Full name: Introduction.add2
type Thread =
inherit CriticalFinalizerObject
new : start:ThreadStart -> Thread + 3 overloads
member Abort : unit -> unit + 1 overload
member ApartmentState : ApartmentState with get, set
member CurrentCulture : CultureInfo with get, set
member CurrentUICulture : CultureInfo with get, set
member DisableComObjectEagerCleanup : unit -> unit
member ExecutionContext : ExecutionContext
member GetApartmentState : unit -> ApartmentState
member GetCompressedStack : unit -> CompressedStack
member GetHashCode : unit -> int
Full name: System.Threading.Thread
Thread(start: ThreadStart) : unit
Thread(start: ParameterizedThreadStart) : unit
Thread(start: ThreadStart, maxStackSize: int) : unit
Thread(start: ParameterizedThreadStart, maxStackSize: int) : unit
Thread.Sleep(millisecondsTimeout: int) : unit
Full name: Introduction.add3
from Arcadia
type SimpleCalculationEngine =
inherit CalculationEngine
new : unit -> SimpleCalculationEngine
Full name: Introduction.SimpleCalculationEngine
new : unit -> SimpleCalculationEngine
type CalculationEngine =
interface ICalculationEngine
new : unit -> CalculationEngine
new : calculationHandler:ICalculationHandler -> CalculationEngine
abstract member OnPropertyChanged : string -> unit
member Computed : nodeFunction:Func<'U> -> Computed<'U>
member Computed : nodeFunction:Func<'U> * throttle:int -> Computed<'U>
member Computed : nodeFunction:Func<'U> * nodeId:string -> Computed<'U>
member Computed : nodeFunction:Func<'U> * nodeId:string * throttle:int -> Computed<'U>
member Node : nodeId:string -> INode<'U>
override OnPropertyChanged : string -> unit
Full name: Arcadia.CalculationEngine
new : unit -> CalculationEngine
new : calculationHandler:ICalculationHandler -> CalculationEngine
member CalculationEngine.Setable : value:'U * nodeId:string -> Setable<'U>
member CalculationEngine.Computed : nodeFunction:System.Func<'U> * throttle:int -> Computed<'U>
member CalculationEngine.Computed : nodeFunction:System.Func<'U> * nodeId:string -> Computed<'U>
member CalculationEngine.Computed : nodeFunction:System.Func<'U> * nodeId:string * throttle:int -> Computed<'U>
Full name: Introduction.ce
Full name: Introduction.nodeValue
print out the status and value of a given node.
val int : value:'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)
Full name:
type int = int32
Full name:
type int<'Measure> = int
Full name:<_>
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.ExtraTopLevelOperators.printfn